Solar Calculator

This calculator will help you work out what savings might result from different types of solar and battery setup, as explained in the following video:

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*** NEW *** Web-based Utility:

I've released a web-based utility, which does everything the spreadsheet does and more. If you'd like to try it out, click here.

Latest Original Spreadsheet Version (see viewer contributions which improve on this below):

V1.02 - minor error with battery discharging formula.

Older Original Versions:

V1.01 - minor error with battery discharge on hour 0.

V1.00 - the version used in the video.

Viewer Contributions which build on the original spreadsheet versions:

solar_calculator_3_seasons_v1c.xlsx - Nick K modified Mike P's spreadsheet:

In version v1b, the off-peak battery top-up does not always end the off-peak period with a full battery which means the spreadsheet is having to top it up with peak rate electricity. With the example data, this results in decreasing the charging losses in Cell C10 actually increasing overall electricity costs. This new version wraps the formulas in I4 to I7 with a MAX function, ie change I4 from =MIN($C$12, $C$9-L27) to =MAX(MIN($C$12, $C$9-L27),0.000001), which ensures that the battery level in column L always reaches and stays at the 'battery size' (so long as this wouldn't allow more than the Max Charge Rate to do so). Note that the spreadsheet needs 'Enable iterative calculation' ticked in Files - Options - Formulas to avoid getting circular references.

solar_calculator_3_seasons_v1b.xlsx - Mike P created a customised version of the spreadsheet that covers 3 seasons.